Premier Team Frequently Asked Question's
How do we choose games for competition?
Not every video game is suited to be played as an esport. Not every esport-capable game should be played through teams supported by their educational institutions. Ohio State teams will be selected to compete in titles that meet the below factors.
Game Selection Factors:
- Game Content
- Team Game Structure
- Collegiate Popularity
- Availability of Collegiate Play Leagues and Tournaments
How are the players and teams selected?
Game popularity and the potential player pool is captured via interest forms to begin the team selection process. The selection process is overseen by the Esports Coach and the Esports Program Director and moves through multiple stages that are listed below. Team selections, training and competition will value the student’s academic success, personal growth and overall well-being over winning percentage. Current and incoming Ohio State students of all skill levels and backgrounds are encouraged to apply and all applicants will have the opportunity to take part in the open tryout process.
- Interest Forms
- Manager Selections
- Open Tryouts
- Player Interviews
- Closed Tryouts
Through the process, potential players are evaluated on several criteria:
- Technical skill
- Communication ability
- Flexibility
- Maturity
- Experience
- Teamwork
- Resilience
How many people will be on a roster? Will there be a starting roster and a backup roster?
As there are no set standards for roster sizes or configurations, the makeup and size of each team will be determined throughout the tryout process. Every player that is recruited will be considered a Premier player with no special designations of starter or backup being assigned.
What if my game doesn’t have a Premier team? Will new games be added?
Games will be evaluated on a yearly basis to see what fits with the program’s goals and have proper tournaments or leagues to compete within. If your game is not supported now, that doesn’t mean it won’t be in the future. There are several student-managed teams on Ohio State’s campus. Students interested in specific games should connect with the Buckeye Gaming Collective student organization for more information.
Will I be expected to try out or compete over break?
No tryouts or required meetings will occur when school is not in session. We may send out communications or offer makeup times over break, but these will be optional and will be repeated once school is back in session.
If I make the team, will I lose my spot at the end of the semester?
Students will be offered a spot on the roster for a predetermined amount of time. We’d encourage each student to view their spot on the team as something to constantly earn as they look to improve as both an individual and a team.
What kind of gear will I get as a player for Ohio State?
At this time, Premier team members will receive a jersey as well as a jacket or hoodie. Other fan gear and Premier gear may be created and distributed at any time by the program.
Are there scholarships for Premier team members?
Scholarships are not yet available. Team members, analysts, and managers will have access to private practice/competition rooms and receive team gear as members of the program. Ohio State will provide tournament entrance fees and other resources for approved premier team competitions as premier team members are the official representatives of Ohio State.